A Novel Approach to Eliminating Halitosis Among the Nigerian Populace Using Local Remedies- A Review

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A Novel Approach to Eliminating Halitosis Among the Nigerian Populace Using Local Remedies- A Review


Tolulope Ajayi*

Dental Administrator, Edmonton, Alberta| Member, Jason’s Foundation, Canada.

*Corresponding author: Tolulope Ajayi, Dental Administrator, Edmonton, Alberta| Member, Jason’s Foundation, Canada.

Citation: Ajayi T, A Novel approach to Eliminating Halitosis among the Nigerian Populace using local Remedies- A Review.  J Oral Med and Dent Res. 5(3):1-14.

Received:  July 05, 2024 | Published: July 15, 2024

Copyright© 2024 genesis pub by Ajayi T. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. This allows others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the authors for the original creation.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52793/JOMDR.2024.5(3)-62


The problem of halitosis or what is commonly called bad breath affects up to 17% of Nigerians, which means about 2 out of every 10 persons you meet likely have this problem and the reality is, more than half of everyone affected don’t even know they have this problem. While the remaining half who knows they have it are clueless on how to treat it. A lot of people have tried various methods to eliminate it all to no avail.


Bad breath; Halitosis; Dental Problems; Dry Mouth; Chronic Diseases; Smoking 


The problem of halitosis or what is commonly called bad breath affects up to 17% of Nigerians , which means about 2 out of every 10 persons you meet likely have this problem and the reality is, more than half of everyone affected don’t even know they have this problem. While the remaining half who knows they have it are clueless on how to treat it. A lot of people have tried various methods to eliminate it all to no avail.

This article has tried to discuss:

  1. What bad breath is

  2. The causes of bad breath

  3. how you can detect if you have bad breath,

  4. the ways you can eliminate bad breath using local remedies

  5. And how to help others with bad breath do the same.

What is Halitosis?

Halitosis refers to an offensive odor emanating from the mouth, which becomes noticeable when individuals exhale.  This condition is both a health concern and a social issue, often leading to social discomfort, especially during conversations.

How can you check to see if you have bad breath?

Various methods can help you determine if you have bad breath. Here are some effective techniques:

  1. One of the simplest methods to check for bad breath is to breathe onto the back of your hand and then smell the odor that emerges from your mouth, giving you an indication of your breath's true scent.

  2. Saliva can carry an odor. To test this, lightly lick your wrist or the back of your hand, wait a few seconds, and then smell the area. If you detect a foul odor, it's likely you have bad breath.

  3. Give it a few seconds and then smell it. If you don’t smell anything, then you should be ok. If you do, you likely have bad breath.

  4. A spoon or tongue scraper can be used to assess breath odor. Scrape different sections of your tongue, then smell the residue on the utensil. A foul smell indicates potential bad breath.

  5. A Halimeter is a device that measures bad breath, commonly found in dental clinics but also available for home use. It can be used to check breath odor for yourself and others, even as a small service to family or community members.


What are the Causes of Bad Breath?


  1. Food particles left in and around your teeth after eating can cause mouth odor.

  2. Foods like garlic and onions are major culprits. Once digested, their compounds enter the bloodstream, travel to the lungs, and are exhaled, causing a noticeable odor that can last up to three days.

  3. Direct contact of food particles with the mouth also contributes to bad breath.

Dental Problems

  1. Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum disease and tooth decay, both of which can cause bad breath.

  2. Food particles left in the mouth can harbor bacteria, resulting in an unpleasant odor.

  3. A significant amount of bad breath also originates from the tongue, particularly in children.

Dry Mouth

  1. The inside of your mouth should always be moist with saliva because saliva has a cleansing effect on your mouth.

  2. If you don’t have enough saliva circulating within your mouth, dead cells will gather on your tongue, cheeks and your gums. This in turn causes bad breath.

  3. All of us experience some level of dry mouth early in the morning, which can cause ‘early morning bad breath’. But this is worse in those who open their mouth while sleeping e.g those who snore.

Chronic Diseases

  1. Some chronic lung conditions like infections and abscesses can cause unpleasant odors when you speak.

  2. Chronic kidney failure may lead to a urine-like odor. A fishy smell could indicate chronic liver conditions, while individuals with diabetes might exhibit a fruity odor.

Nose and Throat Infections

  1. Bad breath can also result from allergies. Sinus infections produce nasal discharge that drips down the throat, potentially causing a foul odor.

  2. Additionally, bad breath may occur with upper respiratory conditions that involve coughing up mucus.


  1. If you smoke cigarettes, it can make your mouth dry. Smoking causes an unpleasant odor after you have puffed on a cigarette.

  2. If you are a smoker, there is a greater chance for you to get gum diseases, which would be a double trouble because gum diseases also cause bad breath.

Extreme Dieting

Following a specialized diet or fasting for weight loss may lead to the development of fruity breath, a symptom of ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis occurs due to the breakdown of chemicals during fasting.

Milk and Lactose Intolerance

  1. If you discover that you're lactose intolerant, you'll need to eliminate milk from your diet.

  2. Consuming milk or dairy products that you cannot digest may lead to the development of bad breath.

Alcohol Intake

Consuming alcohol can result in health problems affecting the digestive system. Additionally, it can induce dry mouth, potentially causing unpleasant breath.


You probably would have never thought that stress could cause bad breath, but it can. When you’re stressed out, your digestive system is negatively affected, which triggers bad breath.

Eliminating Bad Breath- A Roadmap

Oral Hygiene

  1. The very first step to eliminating bad breath is ensuring you have good oral hygiene, regular oral hygiene is very important for your dental health as well as your regular health.

  2. To practice good oral hygiene, you need to focus on three key areas of your mouth: the teeth, gums and tongue- WHY?

  3. Because these are the three places where bacteria causing mouth odor hide in most.

  4. It’s important to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.

  5. Make sure that you brush your teeth after you eat. If you work away from home, take a toothbrush with you so you can brush after you eat lunch.

  6. You need to use dental floss at least once a day, maybe more (Picture of a floss is shown below).

  7. Flossing helps to remove food particles that are stuck in your teeth. It also helps to remove dirt which you may not ordinarily see